New products…same old youth marketing tactics to get teens and young adults to buy their products. Tap to see the tactics.
In 2019 a Globe and Mail investigation found that e-cigarette companies were paying social media influencers to promote products and host product give-aways. Vaping samples were given out at cloud-chasing and other pop-up events by glamourous models and the visitors encouraged to pose with Instagram-friendly backdrops.
to see how vape companies hid the dangerous truth about vapes to sell more products.
Tobacco companies that make cigs aren’t mad about vapes. They’re profiting off of them. Scroll to see.
Paper Trails Don't Lie
People think cigarette companies are out for vape companies because they are competition, but it’s not true. Many vape brands are owned by tobacco companies.
Big Vape = Big Tobacco
Five of the biggest tobacco companies in Canada also own vaping companies and make bank from selling vapes.
Not A Coincidence
When cigarette sales went down, Big Tobacco invested more money in vapes. This way tobacco companies can continue to make money off a new generation of people addicted to nicotine.